You did it again Earthworm
Absolutely astonishing. I admire you're work. Keep it up.
You did it again Earthworm
Absolutely astonishing. I admire you're work. Keep it up.
Really well made I'm proud of you. Keep rocking Slicingclaws.
I will ^_^
Neat dude
This is really good. I applaud your efforts and I see you have some good talent. A continuation will please viewers. I enjoyed it keep up the good work.
*you're the 10th responder for a part 2*
Thanks red, I will try to if anyone can convert my CS3 file to a Fla. 8 file/
Awesome Job, if I only knew how to use after effects I would love to add some of those really nice special effects but I stick with Photoshop, Fireworks and Flash. This is really good and I am really impressed with your project I loved it, definately a
Also thanks for the comment on Chameleon's Story. You will definitely see more from me soon.
sure. and thanks.
Awesome work
I loved it entirely. Well done. Great humor, great battle scenes, this animation was really good.
If I knew how to program my animations to do a next thing like you did here, I would pull off some crazy stuff.
There was some similarities from Proxicide and myself I saw on here but you used them well. Overall Magnificent work 10/10
I like your style
It is original but I feel you are trying to pull of a Proxicide a little to much. I say keep it original and try to stick with something different and always try something new.
Overall, your animations are really good. You are another person whose work I enjoy so much. Also, about the Spiderman vs Venom, I havent seen something like that yet up on here, so give it a shot.
Keep up the good work.
I too am planning on making a one on one with MK characters. I am an MK fan, but as of now I am focusing on my new "season"
Congrats dude
If I were good in combustion I'd do my movies as crazy as this. I like our styles are similar in a sense. I really enjoyed all of your movies on MK vs SF. I was inspired by your work. I just due the best I can in Flash and Flash alone. Me and combustion dont go hand in hand. Overall congrats. I wish I had a Chameleon sprite like that hehe...
Hope you make more awesome movies like this one.
Once again congrats and keep up your amazing talent in animation.
I love to animate, I love to illustrate: Character Design, Do Comic Books, I like videoegames. I have pretty decent voice acting capabilities. I am very dedicated and passionate for art. I put a lot of effort in my animations and my art.
Age 37, Male
Woodside Queens, NY
Joined on 3/4/07