I have been getting things outside my animation life under control and it is keeping me occupied to post anything up. I want to let you all know that there is no exact date for many animations I have under construction.
I have began a new series with the best babes, in my eyes of the MK Universe. Being a hardcore MK fan, I have been dying to make this fatal cat fight come to life. The name will be (it may change or you can even give me ideas if you like) Kombat Vixens.
As for the highly anticipated War of the Realms pt 2, is still being made, I cannot specify or give a release date for it so I can't verify it's realease anytime soon. I also have an icompleted animation based on how both Chameleon and Khameleon are somewhat psychically linked and were the ones who witnessed the beginning on how my version of the Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter saga came to be. The name for that animation hasn't been decided yet but it may be called "Chameleon the untold Story." I have an incompleted Super Smash Brothers Brawl cartoon for several reasons, 1 is my crappy mouse and how it is messing with me and makes me draw the characters doofy, 2 I want to be 100% sure who will make it to the game so that I will be able to provide viewers with all the characters that can make this movie awesome.
Just want to apologize for the delay with no exact date and I apologize to disappoint. Do know that with time, Time makes good final products. I just hope I can at least post one animation by the end of the year.
I will try to at least post once a month with info on where I stand in my lil world of animation. Thank You for understanding and please, remain patient, I am trying to make something promising to you viewers so that I may one day be one of the greats of newgrounds.
I know, deadlines suck man!
Just release it whenever you can, I am sure that we dont mind! ;-)